حل كتاب الطالب لغة انجليزية الصف الثامن الفصل الثاني 2023-2024



أعزاءنا زوار الموقع الكرام 😍 اليكم مذكرة لغة انجليزية للوحدة العاشرة الصف الثامن – الفصل الدراسي الثاني 2023-2024

الصف :- الثامن

الفصل الدراسي :- الثاني

المادة :- اللغة الانجليزية

الوحدة :- الكتاب كاملا

مقتطفات 💡

Omar “I can’t live without my smartphone. I think I’m addicted to it. In fact, I post over ten images a day and send at least thirty text messages. I just like to be in touch with all my friends. I wouldn’t give it up for all the money in the world, it’s worth a fortune to me.”

Mariam “I have a mobile, but I try not to use it excessively. I worry about its harmful effects on my health. I read that a lot of studies suggest a possible link between frequent headaches and smartphones. I always keep it away from my children.”

Jaber “I think smartphones, tablets and computers have a very bad effect on people. They seem to be stuck to those devices all the time. I miss the old days when grandparents and grandchildren gathered to recount their favourite memories and family history “

Jassim “I think they’re really useful. It’s groat to be able to call or text an employee for an important meeting. The other day my car broke down on the highway and it was great to be able to phone for help. Another time, I got lost on the way to a friend’s house and I just looked up the directions on my Maps application. That was really handy.”