حل الوحدة الثامنة لغة انجليزية الصف الثامن كتاب الطالب والتدريبات الفصل الثاني اعداد عبد القادر فتح الله


أعزاءنا زوار الموقع الكرام 😍 حل الوحدة الثامنة لغة انجليزية الصف الثامن – الفصل الدراسي الثاني 2018-2019

الصف :- الثامن

الفصل الدراسي :- الثاني

المادة :- اللغة الانجليزية

كتاب الطالب والتدريبات

اعداد عبد القادر فتح الله



مقتطفات 💡

I prefer smart phone applications .
I can make audio and video calls and send stickers .

I prefer using letters too .
It’s expressive . When I write , I write with feelings .

Communication was very different in the past .
communicate by using fires and messengers .

People used to

pigeons to convey their messages .

They also used carrier
People used smoke signals to let other people know about their place

There were many difficulties Bad weather was an obstacle

At war time , people found it difficult .
Long distance travelling was another problem people used to face .

Really , it was very hard to communicate in the past

Famous actors are both talented and skillful .

Sky diving are both interesting and dangerous .

Both British people and American people are English .

Both the sky and the sea are blue .
Winter is both cold and rainy .
Both the books and the internet are useful .
The park is both beautiful and clean .

Will robots do any kind of communication with humans ?

How will watches be like in the future ?

Will house be smart like appliances ?

How will mobiles be like in the future ?

It will project a touch screen onto arm to use apps easily .

The reader can activate content by touching parts of the
page .

They can let you watch movies or read messages without

Communication today is totally different from the past . People used to
communicate by using messages in bottles and pigeons .
These old ways are very special .I’d like to use them in our world today.
They used messengers